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Nintendo Switch press conference in Tokyo, Japan

Friday, January 13, 2017 | 03:53 GMT
1 min.

Nintendo Switch press conference in Tokyo, Japan

Friday, January 13, 2017 | 03:53 GMT

Watch the Nintendo Switch press conference live from Tokyo, Japan, right now. At the press conference new information on Nintendo's new console will be revealed.

The Nintendo Switch press conference starts on January 12th 2017 at 8PM PT or January 12th 2017 at 11PM ET or January 13th 2017 at 4AM GMT depending on your timezone.

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2795 days ago
The press conference has ended
The Nintendo Switch press conference has ended. This marks the end of our liveblog coverage.
2795 days ago
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild release date
Nintendo has revealed the official release date for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The game will launch on March 3rd 2017.
2795 days ago
List of third party partners
Nintendo has revealed the list of third party partners that will support the Nintendo Switch. The list of third party partners includes over 20 names, including Take-Two Interactive, Codemasters, Square Enix, Ubisoft, EA Games, Sega, Konami, Capcom, Activision, Bandai Namco and Bethesda Softworks.
© Nintendo
2795 days ago
Bethesda Softworks confirms The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for Nintendo Switch
Bethesda has announced that it will be bringing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim to the Nintendo Switch. The game has been rumored to be coming to the new console for months.

The game seems to be a direct port of the new The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Special Edition that was released last year. The game features support the gyro sensors included in the JoyCon controller.

A release date has not yet been announced.
2795 days ago
Super Mario Odyssey announced
Nintendo has announced Super Mario Odyssey. First time since Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine the game will allows players to explore a new 3D world for players to run around in.

Mario has jumped out of the mushroom kingdom into an "unknown landscape". The game world will feature locations based on real life, including New York City.

Whether the new game will make use gyro sensors included in the Nintendo Switch JoyCon controllers is still unknown.

The game is expected to launch in the holiday season, meaning that it will not be one of the console's launch titles.
2795 days ago
Splatoon 2 announced
Hisashi Nogami has announced Splatoon 2. The game is the direct sequel to the original Splatoon game. The game will feature new weapons, new stages and new gameplay strategies to be discovered and mastered.

The game will support both JoyCon and Pro controllers. The game will also make use of the JoyCon's gyro sensors.

The game will support both TV mode and handheld mode and will also feature online multiplayer. The game is expected to launch this summer along with new updates and unannounced in-game events.
2795 days ago
ARMS fighting game announced
Nintendo's Kosuke Yabuki has announced the fighting game ARMS. The game features catroon graphics and can be played together with friends. The game makes use of the Nintendo Switch JoyCon controllers gyro sensors.
2795 days ago
The Nintendo Switch JoyCon controllers revealed
The Nintendo Switch JoyCon controllers will feature gyro sensors for detecting movement similarly to the Nintendo Wii's motion controller. The controllers feature NFC to connect to other objects. They can also be used separately and each of them can be used by a different player.

The controllers can also detect movement from the front side of the controllers and they feature rumble haptic feedback.

The JoyCon controllers will release in Neon blue and Neon red, with additional colors to be sold separately.
2795 days ago
The console will feature 3 different modes
The Nintendo Switch will feature 3 distinctive modes: a TV mode, a tabletop mode and handheld mode.
2795 days ago
The Nintendo Switch launches March 3rd 2017
The Nintendo Switch will launch on March 3rd 2017. In Japan the console will cost 29,980 yen in North America it will cost $299.99. Watch our liveblog coverage of the Nintendo Switch press conference here.
2795 days ago
The presentation contents
Nintendo intends to present a detailed introduction of the Nintendo Switch hardware and sofware. According to Nintendo the new console contains all features of the company's DNA.
2795 days ago
The Nintendo Switch presentation starts now
The Nintendo Switch presentation will start any minute now.
2795 days ago
The Nintendo Switch presentation will start in 15 minutes.
The Nintendo Switch presentation in Tokyo, Japan, will start in roughly 15 minutes from now.
2795 days ago
Liveblog has started
We are currently working on providing live updates. New updates will appear in this timeline.
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